the below terms in purple were taken from
a. Exclusive. Baby receives all nourishment and fluids at the breast.
b. Almost exclusive. Baby receives all nourishment at the breast except for small amounts of culturally valued supplements.
c. Partial breastfeeding. Frequent or regular supplements.
d. Token breastfeeding. Minimal breastfeeding.
Breastmilk Feeding. Separates mother from the process, allows for bottles of pumped milk.
Colic. Muscle spasms of any tubular organ. Most commonly in infants it is due to intestinal cramping.
Dehydration. Loss of essential body fluids. Critical in infants under one year of age. Can be caused by poor nutritional intake, vomiting, diarrhea, thermal losses.
Engorgement. Swelling of the breast, lactating and surrounding tissue.
Failure to Thrive. An infant who despite adequate caloric intake fails to grow.
Induced Lactation. Causing breastmilk production in a woman who has not recently been pregnant.
Mammalgia. Pain in the breast.
Mastectomy. Removal of all or part of the breast tissue can also include removal of underlying muscle and lymphatic tissue.
Mastitis. Infection of the breast.
Relactation. Stimulating a milk supply in a woman who has recently given birth but did not breastfeed or recently weaned her baby.
Sucking. Process where liquid is drawn into the mouth with negative pressure. Tongue action is primarily an up and down motion with very little jaw movement (bottle feeding).
Suckling. A method of sucking which involves an extension and retraction of the tongue. Liquid is obtained with a rhythmic licking motion of the tongue combined with jaw opening and closing (breastfeeding).