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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We CAN Survive

This is a funny and sarcastic article written on about research that was performed to prove that babies could survive on the 1st 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding.

My favorite part:
"If MOST women weren’t capable of supporting infants with breast milk, humans as a species wouldn’t have thrived. But we did. And substitute or supplement infant food is very, very new in the grand scheme of human evolution."

Article - Shocking New Research Shows Women Can Breastfeed Successfully!!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

my fav part:
"We never drove the cave-minivan to the cave-superstore to buy cave-formula and cave-cereal (with iron!) for the cave-4-month-old. What did we do? We nursed our infants, just as chimpanzees do, just as dogs do, just as bats do."