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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blog Hop - Big Difference

This Week’s Topic: What I Would Have Done Differently

Whether you’ve been breastfeeding for a week or a year or more, I think we all have some things we wish we would have done differently. Share your stories here.

I am so so lucky that Little Man is just a born nurser.  He loves it, I love it.  We have our moments when I want to tell him to get to sleep and stop sucking my boob but in general it's pretty easy.  My only regret with him is that I supplemented a couple of times.  The second night home he was up fussing all night.  I thought he was hungry, hadn't yet learned about the night of transition.  So, I gave him a bottle and then a couple of more nights after that.  Each night he got really bad gas.  Then one night when he was a week old he spit up in his sleep and choked and woke up screaming.  I've lost a child and all I could think of was, he'll choke and die in his sleep.  I threw the rest of the formula in the garbage.  Do I want a baby with painful gas?  One that could choke in his sleep?  Heck no!  He has never had gas like that since and has never spit up since.  Occasionally if he gobbles his milk down to fast he'll spit up a little but not like the exorcism spit ups he got with formula.  It's just not right.  It was clear to me that it was not made for his tummy.  If I could go back in time I would have thrown that "gift" from the formula company out as soon as it arrived at my door.  


Anonymous said...

Glad things are much better now with his gas.

mrsgregwillis said...

Thanks for sharing! It's interesting to hear how everyone handles the "gift"! :) said...

That must have been scary to hear him choking on his own spit up and have those thoughts! My first baby had tummy issues too, and I'm glad we didn't have to supplement, because I'm sure it would have done a number on his digestive system.

Anonymous said...

I'mm your newest follower here, I'm shattered I missed this post, I would have loved to have linked up.. Ah well, I'll keep an eye out for future posts!! -Melissa