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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Breastfeeding and the Enviroment

I just found this great thing called "The Blog Hop."   
Each week there is a different topic, this week it is Breastfeeding and the Enviroment.

I have to admit I'm not much of an enviromentalist.  I like convienience.  I don't always recycle.  I use disposable diapers.  I probably have left a pretty big carbon footprint so far.  Do I think b/f is beneficial to the enviroment though?  Yes.  Even a good set of bottles will not last you an entire year.  If you are exclusively bottle feeding you will probably go through at least three sets of bottles.  Where do the used bottles go?  Garbage.  And then there's the containers that formula comes in.  And you need good soap and water to wash these.  Soap which may not be good for the enviroment, use of water, you have to boil everything so there's energy.  It would be an interesting experiment to have two households running the same but have one bottle feed and one b/f and see what the difference is on the utility bill.  So, just the impact on garbage and energy costs alone speaks to the relation.
That's all direct damage.  Then we have to look at indirect damage.  B/F babies are healthier.  They will require less pill bottles, less medical waste from surgeries and medical interventions.
Now, as I said, I'm no enviromentalist or doctor but it's clear that b/f is better for the enviroment since it contributes NOTHING to waste.  You don't have to use energy or throw anything out. 

Here is the link to get to the Blog Hop:

<script src="" type="text/javascript" ></script>


Jen - Life With Levi said...

Hi!!! So glad you found the hop and linked up! I'm with you - the environmental benefits aren't really something I thought much about.

Hope you'll join in again next week. I'll be posting the topic soon.

Vinci said...

Life with Levi sent me.
Thanks on all the info
about shattering Myths
Very interesting and
learned something new.

Unknown said...

Great post! I didn't write on this topic because I'm not an environmentalist at all and couldn't think of anything to post on. You have a definite point about all the plastic pill bottles etc. from later health issues!

Hope to see more of your posts on the hop!