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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Weekend I Almost Threw in the Towel

We've had a rough 4 or 5 days here nursing Little Man.  I swear he was up every hour.  One night in an hour and a half he woke me up to nurse 3 times.  By Saturday afternoon I was ready to go buy formula.  Glad to say I didn't.  I pushed through it and last night was back to normal, 3 wakings.  I'm fine with 3 wakings.  Anything more and there isn't enough coffee in the world!  It was really frustrating and there were times I just wanted to cry.  Times I wanted to give it all up.  I'm so pleasantly surprised that we made it this far before hitting a speed bump.  Almost 6 months of nursing!  For me that's a huge accomplishment.  I really want to make it to 11 months.  That's when I go back to work and I plan on only nursing at bedtime and maybe in the morning.  I really don't want to ever have to give him formula.  When I'm frustrated and tired though I set a smaller goal.  Let's get to exactly 6 months which is on the 27th.  Then, I'll say, let's get Christmas.  And so on.  I know giving him formula may be instant gratification but I know I will feel guilty about it long term. 

I just wanted to share that.  I can't wait until my next La Leche meeting so I can discuss this with some other moms!  I need a pep talk right now.


Katrin said...

Go Elaine! My little one is also almost 6 month (on the 1st of December). There are rough times indeed. When he started teething, I was up like 7 times a night. But I also never want to give him formula. It just doesn't feel right, since I got so far. I also want to continue nursing till at least 12 month, if not longer. I am sure, you can make it too! Good luck.

EcoCrazyMom said...

Thank you for stopping by I have breastfed 4 kidlets, and no exactly how you feel. The one thing I can say is that it does get easier! Keep up the great work, and feel free to stop by the #BFcafe Twitter chat every Thursday at 7pm Pacific. If you are new to Twitter Chats I have several posts on my blog tagged as "Twitter Chats". #BFcafe is a great place to go for support! Best wishes.
